Monday, March 28, 2016

Fact #4 The Last Word

For a long time, Rowling planned the last word in the series to be “scar,” but eventually changed the last sentence to “All was well.”

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Fact #3 Quidditch Injuries

Minerva McGonagall was a gifted Quidditch player, but she experienced a nasty fall in her final year at Hogwarts that left her with a concussion and several broken ribs.

Fact #2 Voldemort Eats Snow

When Fred and George were throwing snowballs at the back of Professor Quirrell's head in the Philosopher's Stone, they were actually throwing them at Voldemort's face!


Fact #1 Character Names

These were some of the original names of the characters before Rowling changed them: Hermione Puckle, Neville Puff, Draco Spinks, Lily Moon (Luna Lovegood), Madhari Patil, and Mati Patil. P.S. Who is missing from this pic?